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Sustainability Week • 27.06 - 03.07

Changes for Summer Semester 2022
  • Back to Campus.
    Since the SARS COVID 19 pandemic started, almost all ECRI courses had been offered virtually and just a few of them on our campus in Pfarrkirchen.
    This semester, though, it will be different, as for the first time since the pandemic started almost all courses will be offered on Campus, with a few exceptions (languages courses, for example, among others) which will remain online.
    If you are unsure of whether you have on-campus or online classes, please check your lecture schedule, or consult with your course assistant.

  • Vaccination centre changes.
    The start of the new semester also brings some changes to the city of Pfarrkirchen. The vaccination centre which was located in Eggenfelden will be changed to Pfarrkirchen! If you want to know more about where you can get the SARS-COVID-19 vaccine in Rottal-Inn, and where will the new vaccination centre be functioning, please visit our designated section on it here.

  • Activities in the International Office (IO).
    As every semester, the team in charge of IO bring exciting and new opportunities to our Campus. If you want to know and be up to date with IO events, please visit the ECRI seminare semester guide , where you will find all the latest information about their events and the corresponding iLearn course, which will provide you with all the latest information on arriving in Pfarrkirchen.

    Apart from this, we would like to remind you that IO offers consultation hours for regular international students every Tuesday from 13 to 14 hs (online, please communicate with them for more information).

    Are you a THD employee? Then IO also has something for you: information events about staff and teaching mobility during the month of May, available in German and English.
Ayelen Toscano Juanes 11.03.2022

Winter Semester 21/22 recap
Winter semester 21/22 is coming to an end, with the exam period already in place and holidays around the corner for most ECRI students. And during these last weeks, here at ECRI NEWS, we would like to make a short review of all the important moments at our campus.

First Campus Days for all students since the beginning of the pandemic

The arrival of the SARS-COVID-19 Pandemic, which started at the beginning of the Summer Semester 2020, changed everything at ECRI. From on-campus lectures, most of our students, lecturers and professors had to change to online lectures. And although some very specific classes took place on campus during the beginning of the Winter Semester 20/21; and some specific ones during the Summer Semester 2021, most of them remained online.
During this Winter Semester, ECRI held 2 Campus Days. On these days students from all degrees and semesters were invited to the Campus, where specific activities were programmed for them. The other planned Campus Day had to, unfortunately, be cancelled, but they were a great test for how we could do a return back to the Campus in the upcoming semesters.

Welcoming of new students

At the same time, Winter Semester always marks the start of a new academic year and a full new batch of bachelor and master students start their journey at ECRI. This year, fortunately, new students could have a small welcome party in the front patio of the Campus, with all regulations in place. A great way of welcoming them!

Design thinking workshop

During our second Campus Day, a very interesting event took place: the design thinking workshop, led by
Prof. Dr. Dominik Böhler and Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber.
If you want to know more about it, we recommend you check our article on it below!

RESP elections

Like every year, this December RESP elections took place. After some debate and voting time, the new board was elected. If you want to know more about them, who they are, what do they do and how to join RESP, you can check our article on them, where all contact information is included, on this page further down.

Trips to Passau and other events in ECRI

This Winter Semester another thing came back to ECRI: on-campus events. With vaccines being highly available, and all protocols in place, the International Tutors of ECRI organized some events for students to meet and socialize with each other.

From the get-together meeting to the Bowling night in Pfarrkirchen, and the trip to Passau, new ECRI students had the chance of seeing more of Pfarrkirchen and the surrounding areas, while former students had the possibility of meeting with their classmates.

Here at ECRI NEWS we wish you the best for the rest of your exams and a great holiday!
Ayelen Toscano Juanes • 11.02.2022

Design Thinking: an afternoon creating together
Many interesting things happen at ECRI, and during the last Campus Day, a very exciting scenario was seen on our campus grounds.

Having in mind that a new building will be constructed at ECRI, students from different studies had the opportunity to envision what their preferred learning environment is, what things they want to be changed, better or added. 

The Design Thinking Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Dominik Böhler and Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber on the topic of Design your Learning Space was scheduled for 3 hours.

Creative Journey
The students started by choosing their partner, with whom they went through this creative journey:
  • What brought them here, what their ideal learning environment is, and why do they have those ideas.
  • Always guided by Prof. Dr. Dominik Böhler and Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber, students could look into the concept of “otherness”, emphatically trying to create the best learning environment for their colleagues.
  • They question the “why” repeatedly: “Why this model? Why is this important for you? Why do you say this?” 
After a long process of asking and re-asking, they started exchanging their own recommendation and advice for each other, trying to make the most out of their partner´s ideal learning experience.
Some Results
By the end of the exercise prototype development, some incredible models arose, that could be categorized under 3 headings.

Learning, Teaching, Technology and Innovation
  • Emphasis on self-learning and freedom in the classroom.
  • Need for a more interactive, real learning experience.
  • Interactivity and online learning will prevail, and we need to give online learning a place at the university of the future.
Many students created their models around technology and innovation, and curiously enough those were the same that mention something many others were thinking: interactivity and online learning are here to stay, and we need to give online learning a place at the University of the future, especially after these past two years.
  • Need for a better, more individualized and relaxed advising service at the university that is easily accessible to everyone.
  • Need for more facilities and services, especially since mental health is one of the most important requirements for students in online courses.
The students described the Counselling Service as a space where one could go to trick their mind, take care of their mental health, talk about how one is feeling and process what is going on during their classes. They mention the need for better and more comfortable, relaxed rooms for counselling sessions. Some students mentioned seeking counselling help, and how much that has helped them greatly.
Please have a look on the Student Counselling Service at ECRI: StuCoS.pdf

The connection between the city and the campus was also something mentioned, as well as the need for a more practical, hands-to-work experience, instead of learning in a classroom time the whole time.

Ayelen Toscano Juanes • 28.02.2022

RESP: Elections and new board members

The past month the elections took place, and we are happy to announce that RESP has a new board, composed by compromised ECRI students.

But, let´s hear about their plans and ideas from them, shall we?


As a collective of mostly international students, our top priority is student engagement and participation which is always challenging especially in the middle of a pandemic. But we think that community engagement has the potential to help each individual get the most out of their time as a student by maximizing your exposure to potential opportunities as well as providing you with interesting and fun events. This is why we want to build onto previous boards’ success through maintaining and expanding their successful initiatives, in addition to starting our own initiatives that can be perpetuated into the future, long after our time as board members is over.

More specifically, we want to start hosting a regular series of “talks,” about various topics ranging from academic, STEM, and career-related topics, to more fun and lighthearted topics. As a team, we all have interests in events of that nature and some of us even have experience hosting TED talks, and speaking publicly. We want to increase the regularity of these events such that each student feels that there’s always something interesting on offer to them. As a team, we’re taking on RESP mostly out of appreciation for the power of extracurricular engagement, and we need to make sure that we offer other students the opportunity to pursue that as well, it might be a career or even life-defining for some of the participants. This is of course in addition to all the “standard,” trips, get-togethers, excursions, and parties that we’d like to host (but that depends on the corona situation).

To sum up, as senators of the student body, we want to empower students by giving them a platform to communicate what issues they have as students and members of our community. We share a passion as a team for socializing, and event planning, and we’d like to use that to help give them a fuller, more enriching college experience. Keep an eye out for us, and the events we’ll be planning, especially by the start of the 2nd semester!

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Ayelen Toscano Juanes • 21.01.2022

Game night at ECRI this thursday

Winter is here, but there are still many (online) activities at ECRI!

Did you know that IO organizes every once in a while, a game evening? At the moment in its online version, a game evening is a great opportunity to meet new ecris in a relaxed and fun environment!

The next online board game night is on the 25th of November, at 8 pm, coordinated by the board games tutors Thu & Alexandra. 

If you want to join you just need to sign up here, don´t miss it!

Movie night at ECRI

As if watching movies wasn´t good enough, watching movies with a great plot and strong, great female´s storylines behind them is great!

Because of this, ECRI CAMPUS is launching a new movie night, this time with the topic "strong women in cinema".

From the fearless Wonder Woman, brilliant minded Katherine G. Johnson to Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Pick any strong female lead film for movie night on campus.

Here’s a chance for you to suggest movies for our “Strong Women in Cinema” event on campus ECRI.
Click on the link to add your choice:

Ayelen Toscano Juanes • 05.11.2021

Important Contact List

Back to classes! How to have a successful semi-virtual semester

Back to classes: tips to have a successful online semester while dealing with online learning burnout.

Once again October and another semester begins. This will be the fourth online semester held at ECRI, and at this point, most of us know how to study and divide our time.

Nevertheless, reminding them again is never a bad option, and today we want to bring you some tips and recommendations on how you can make the most out of your online learning sessions.

We would like to remind you that our faculty has counselling sessions, the StuCoS – Student Counselling Service. For more information have a look at the StuCoS flyer or  the Introduction Video.
For information regarding important contacts in the region of Rottal – Inn, please refer here. 
And if you want to check out our guide on the online study during the coronavirus crisis, please go here.

How to make the most out of your online lesson sessions

Take your online classes seriously.

Remember: online classes are real classes. Take them seriously, and follow these pieces of advice for a great online learning experience:

  • Be respectful: respect your lecturers and fellow students, remember there are real people behind the screen, and contribute to create a great learning atmosphere, and you will see how much you will enjoy your online lessons
  • Turn off your microphone when the lecturer or a fellow student is speaking
  • Use the “raise your hand” option so your lecturer or professor knows you want to comment on something or ask a question
  • Use the quick buttons (thumbs up or down, etc.) if you want to show your agreement or disagreement with something without interrupting the class.
  • When possible, try to turn on your camera
  • Participate in class either by speaking or writing in the chat (if allowed)
  • Engage in all activities designated by your lecturers and professors. 

Manage your time efficiently.

Time management and holding yourself accountable for your actions are two of the most important aspects when it comes to attending classes. Here are some things you can do to improve your time management skills:

  • Create a schedule that you can stick to, while considering all other compromises
  • Plan a study schedule for your exams well in advance
  • Try to start preparing for a subject at least one month before your examination date – this is especially important for research papers, in which you might need to start two months in advance - one for literature research and the diagram of your research paper, and another month of actually sitting down and writing it. Some people might even need three to four months for these types of tasks.
  • Identifying which are your strong and weak points
  • And try to prioritize those tasks you know you need more time for, so that you don´t find yourself in the situation that you postponed something you don´t particularly enjoy so much, and you only have a week left.
  • If you must present research papers or other types of presentations, prepare a final rough draft one week before the final deadlines. This way, you will still have one week to go over it, correct some minor mistakes, and make sure you fulfil all requirements.
  • Follow a weekly plan, in which you can include all your main online lessons, your self-study time; and leave enough space for all extra activities.
  • If you want to know more about managing your time efficiently, contact StuCoS for a private session.

Reduce all possible distractions and study in a quiet place.

Eliminating all distractions around yourself and taking your classes and studying in a quiet place, are some of the best learning advice.

  • Try to take your online lessons and/ or study, in a space in which there is no TV or any other non-essential technological equipment.
  • If possible, leave your phone in another room so you will not be tempted to scroll down social media
  • Eat on a separate room, not in front of your computer, and have enough water or non-alcoholic liquids next to you
  • Plan what you need for your self-study or online lessons sessions and bring all that to your study area.

Create a place you are happy to be in.

Feeling happy about where we are is a key element. Creating a space, you actually want to be in, will help you concentrate better. Some things you can do to make your space more to your taste are:

  • Decorating it with bright colours you like.
  • Adding plants and other elements.
  • Having a comfortable chair and desk of your preference, but which allows you to work for hours straight without feeling uncomfortable.
  • Choose a room or a setting in your household that has a nice view, preferably to the street or garden, so you can relax your eyes from time to time.
  • Set all your most important elements (note pads, computer, pencils & pens, etc.) so you don´t have to go searching for them.

Be present.

  • Sit down for studying when you know you can dedicate the time and space for the task.
  • If you need to finish tasks by a deadline, but you are not in the right mental place, try to practise meditation or do an activity previously which calms you down.
  • For mediation and other relaxation techniques, you can always use the 7 mind app, Germany’s most beloved mediation app, free of charge for all THD students (up to 12 months).

Be engage in your online classes.

  • Take notes and quiz yourself during class. This will help you maintain your focus on the class and will provide for a great study resource in the future.

Don´t just focus on good notes, but also on learning.

University is supposed to prepare us with knowledge for our future career lives. Don´t just focus on getting good grades and doing just what is necessary to pass the subjects; but rather on understanding the content and applying it to daily life situations related to your study course. Here is how:

  • If you are learning theoretical subjects, think about how those things can be applied in real-life scenarios.
  • If you are writing research papers, think about how your research can help improve your field of study, even if it is in a small amount.
  • Take your study seriously, as you would do a job.

If you do this, and thoughtfully understand what you are learning, good marks will surely follow.

Breaks are the key to a good online study session.

  • Take at least a 5-minutes-break every hour. ECRI´s lessons are planned so that you can have a break every hour and a half max, but if for any reason your classes last longer than these, try to at least bring your eyes out of the screen for a few minutes, given them try to relax from the blue light.
  • Use blue light glasses and screen protectors if you can.
  • Sleep well, rest accordingly, for at least 8 hours every night.
  • Try to go to sleep before 2 am every night.

Health body, healthy mind.

  • Eat well (enough, not too much and not too little) and incorporate every nutrient that makes you feel well and alive.
  • Analyse which type of macronutrient (carbs, proteins, and fats) makes you feel more tired, and try to limit that type of macronutrient before long classes or days in which you have too much on your plate.
  • If you suffer from exhaustion (feeling tired all the time) or can´t concentrate, talk with your doctor immediately, because you could be suffering from nutrient imbalance or malnutrition. You can see how to find a doctor in our “important contacts in Rottal inn” list.
  • Stay active, try to do at least 30 minutes of an activity you enjoy per day.
  • Try to go outside every day, free your mind from computers and electronic devices daily.
  • When you are not studying, limit your screen time as much as possible. This will help you stay fit and concentrate better.

Create workgroups (can be online too) so you don´t feel alone in your study process.

  • Work in groups, organize activities with other people
  • If you are not in Germany or are under quarantine, try to at least organise some online study groups.
  • If you can meet with fellow students, try to organise it once per week, even if they are not in your same classes. Sometimes, just being next to someone can help.
  • Have In mind all SARS-COVID-19 rules, respect the minimum distance, and use a face mask when necessary.

Sources: study tips for success & tips for taking online classes

Ayelen Toscano Juanes • 15.10.2021

Welcome to the ECRI Campus!: How to get started in Pfarrkirchen

Welcome back to another semester at ECRI!

For our older students, we wish you a nice start to the semester, where you can continue learning and growing. And for our freshman students, welcome to the next two or three years of your life!

For those of you who don’t know us, we are the ECRI NEWS Team. Here we build a platform where, by different posts and articles, we will provide you with resources, information and other material to help you make the most out of your time at our university.

We believe in building this community together, so we will constantly ask for your opinions on different matters, so you can give us your feedback. And if you want to participate by giving us your testimonies, asking questions, suggesting topics you’d like us to cover, we are more than open to listen to you and help you!

Although the ongoing pandemic situation is improving at the moment, not only in Germany but also in the whole world, this does not mean we won’t have to adapt and surf some challenges during this semester (all information regarding the current COVID-19 situation in Pfarrkirchen can be found here:

Just as the three last semesters, this one will be held mostly virtual, with only some on-campus lab classes, among other things. Nevertheless, this semester ECRI will introduce 4 “Campus Days”, in which there will be no classes and different activities will be held on campus. Check your emails during the following days for more information on the matter!

This year two students, Ayelen Toscano-Juanes and Daniel Rodriguez-Perales will be ECRI’s international tutors. Both of them, together with our student’s club RESP e.V, will be in charge of organizing different events and activities during this semester. Some might be on campus while others will be online, so also make sure to check your email and other channels to always be up to date on any interesting event. Moreover, our International Office also organizes many events, such as the International Week and the KulturCafe. 

Online Learning

As we already said, this semester will be held mostly online. We know this methodology can cause some specific problems, so please do not hesitate in seeking help if you need it. At ECRI there is a special service for this: StuCoS (Student Counselling Service) provided by Ms. Claudia Nitiksin. She specializes in helping students going through a hard time due to general issues in social life and integration in Germany, conflicts with fellow students and/ or teachers, psychological stress caused by studying, dissatisfaction with their social situation, among other things. If you feel you need help, please do not hesitate and contact her at: Everything said in those sessions is strictly confidential by European law. For more information on the matter, please visit:

Information about Pfarrkirchen

Is this your first time in Pfarrkirchen and/ or Germany, and you don’t know where to start? Well, then please feel free to check our Handbook for information about Rottal-Inn, or the blog article posted last year about life in Pfarrkirchen: PAN cultural and social 101.

Bike Station

Biking is, undoubtedly, germans favourite transportation method. Nevertheless, bikes can often break down or have minor issues which need to be fixed. If you want to learn to do this and much more, you can always visit the EcoLab project “Bike station”. There, the EcoLab team will guide you through every step so you can check your bike and do some minor repairs yourself. 

For more information regarding this project, please visit: or send an email to">( You can also read our past article on this topic.

More information will come in the following days.

Ayelen Toscano Juanes • 07.10.2021

What´s new at our Campus?: ECRI News for the end of our summersemester 2021

Summer semester 2021 is coming to an end, but that doesn´t mean we don´t have new and exciting news to share with you!

1. AWP subject
Since this week and until the Sunday, June 27th, you can register yourself for all new AWP subject for your upcoming semester!

From our side, we would like to bring your attention to the AWP Subject "Bavarian culture", which is also available for ECRI students. Do you want to learn more about the culture and language of the state you´re going to be in for the next two to three years of your life? Then come and join us!.

More information about AWP courses can be found here, and registation can be done by clicking here.

2. International week, hosted by International Office.

Next week (21st - 25th of June) is THD´s international week! Do you want to learn more about doing an intership or a semester abroad, learn more about other cultures, or simply enjoy listening to classmates and collagues about their home countries?

Then check the International Office´s programme, and join this incredible events!

3. Re-registration 

Something that never hurts to remind... since the 7th and until the 21st of June, you have time to re-register for the winter semester 21/22. 

Please, don´t foget to do so!
For more information please click here.

ECRI NEWS • 18.06.2021

Interview with Daniel Rodriguez Perales, International Office ECRI´s international tutor

Whenever new international students arrive at ECRI, one of the first offices they visit is the one that has their own category on it: International Office.
The International office, a dedicated team of ten people in the university, which aim at improving international relationships with other universities, while at the same time taking care of international and national students.

As we wanted to know more about IO functions in ECRI and, most importantly, how they can help all our ECRI students, we have interviewed Daniel Rodriguez Perales, International Tutor and Bachelor student at the ECRI Faculty.

How is the IO at ECRI composed? Who is part of it?
Ms. Daniela Schwertlinger is the representative of the International Office at ECRI campus. However, the International Office is much bigger than that. There are team members, which are sitting in Deggendorf but are greatly related to the Pfarrkirchen Campus and participate in all aspects of it.

And what is your particular role inside IO?
I am hired as an International Tutor, which means that I am here to help international students coming to Germany, in my case in Pfarrkirchen. The International Tutors help students with challenges when arriving here in Germany, such as cultural adaptation, but mainly with bureaucratic things, such as paperwork, opening a bank account, etc. We also help students with things related to the adaptions on German customs, and insurances or tax registration.

How do you see your job?
Well, I see myself as a guide. I try to guide students so they can make the best choice they can while being here in Germany. But at the end of the day, our students are all adults, liable and responsible for their actions. We can try to guide them, I can try to talk to them from my own personal experience, but at the end it will always be their personal decision.

Do you have a general list of topics that you help them with?
We have some topics which repeat themselves, and this is why we write all essential information at DIT’s website. But apart from that, we have a very pragmatic approach: if a student sends me a message with a particular problem, I am happy to help that student with their individual problem or concern.

Who and where do you recommend students to look for help?
Us! (laughs). No, really, us. I know that if I ever have a question, I can always go and ask Ms. Schwertlinger about that, she is very helpful. People working at IO will always try to help you solve your concerns, and if they can’t or if it’s not their task, they will refer you to the correct person who can help you with that.

In this semester there are weekly consultation hours, and I always strongly recommend students to use that time.

Can you help students with their doctors’ appointments for example, or finding a place to stay?
Under some circumstances, yes. IO has a renting platform, so the International Office tries to work as mediators in this aspect: landlords / people who have a space available can post there, and students can contact them directly.

The same with doctor’s appointments for example: As an International Tutor, I can recommend you which doctors in Rottal-Inn speak English or help you with arranging your appointment.

What kind of activities or events does IO organize?
Under normal circumstances, a lot of events, such as Taste the World. Right now, as everything has to be done online, the IO organizes most of the events virtually … the Kulturcafé, for example.

What IO has found out, of course, is that a lot of students are in great problem when arriving to Germany during pandemic times. Because of that, IO in cooperation with RESP and International Tutors, organized what we call “Quarantine Services”, for incoming students.

What are these Quarantine Services?
Well, imagine you are coming from abroad. First, you have to read all requirements to enter Germany: are you coming from an area of variant concern, a high-risk area, or a low-risk area?

According to this, you will have to do 10 to 14 days quarantine in your household, and you cannot leave the place under any circumstances, other than requiring medical services or to attend your Coronavirus Test appointment.
Because of this, we have the problem that many students don’t have food, or even things to cook. Some don’t even have blankets or pillows.

In that case, students contact the International Office, and they organize, with a team of volunteers from the other organizations that I mentioned, delivery of these essential items.

Students pay for the shopping beforehand, and then the volunteers only have to bring it to them.
And who has the chance to use this service?

Every incoming student, entering from outside Germany, has the right to use this service only once. Up until now, the service has been very successful, and students are very grateful with us for this.

Probably the most important question… how can students contact IO and yourself?
Yes, right! They can contact the International Office at and they can contact me at

Do you have any final comments, any final recommendations for students?
Well… I think that if I can add something, is that personally I do this because I have been an international student myself, and for me is important to help the students. I have been where they are. I am lucky that I speak German, but most of the students don’t have this. And is also a great opportunity to get to know other people, and to give back to the ECRI family.

I am happy to be part of it, and I will always be looking forward to giving something back.

ECRI NEWS • 05.2021

RESP e.V. • Student Soul of Pfarrkirchen

About RESP

The student association of the European Campus formally known as Respect other cultures, European mind, Students (RESP) Pfarrkirchen. Founded in October 2015, by the first ITM generation of ECRI by Severin Eder, Nicole Ritz, Ines Stapfer, Rebekka Möller, and Daniel Probst is as almost as old as our beloved campus.

Our student association and its members are responsible for many of our beloved traditions such as the Semester opening and closure parties, the elegant Winter Ball and Summer in the City, our spooky Halloween party and our funny Secret Santa. It functions as a reminder, that we can work together collaboratively with cultural differences and languages. It is a reminder of our intercultural footprint, a heritage as a campus. It represents the mindset for future teamwork and the Pfarrkirchener student culture as being one of its important values. It also has been a way to bond with the local community an d businesses of the city, collaborating with local businesses such as Cookies, Bäcker Bachmeier, Carisma, Boogaloo and even the supermarket chains REWE and EDEKA.

 However, our student association is not only about parties. Various Projects such as the German Café, a format in which students have the possibility to improve their German speaking skills by talking to native speakers in a relaxed environment that provides all levels of the language. The Cultural Continental Days, an upcoming project starting in summer semester 2021, are a set of events in which students can present their countries. The association also promotes academical knowledge by organizing workshops and inviting guest speakers. 
Additionally, the Funky Kitchen where students gather to cook and learn about traditional cuisine of different nations and the Volksfest march is one of the few places where students and locals interact under a Bavarian atmosphere. As a result, it is evident that the student association is a tool for intercultural integration.

With a small representative fee of €10 per semester members receive:

  • First hand information’s for events, study trips or student assistant jobs
  • Enjoy benefits for events and excursions
  • Peer to Peer support and study tips
  • Make new friends and participate in existing projects
  • Extend your professional network

Since December 2020 our student association is working under a new Team with motivated and engaging students.

New Website

As an attempt to increase awareness of the association and increase the engagement towards RESPies, a new website has been launched (

Member Certificate

Those members who actively participate in the activities of the association will provide a recognition certificate. This document, available the end of the semester, will summarize their contributions, which can have a positive impact on their future applications.

New members welcome

For the future of RESP, the board of directors hopes to encourage new members to understand that our association welcomes all students and new ideas for projects and activities.

RESP signifies

  • Diversity and the chance to experience a small part of the world in single place.
  • Intercultural exchanges and countless opportunities for growth in the most diverse areas.
  • All members contribute to the growth of our community.
  • The heart and soul of the association are the members, or as RESPies say “it all starts with you!”

Daniel Rodriguez Perales, Valerie Elke and Aldana Campo • 03/2021

Back to classes! Glad to have you back!

Next Monday a new semester starts, and with it a whole time for new experiences. As the last two semesters, the Summer Semester 2021 will also be a little bit challenging, but equally exciting!


For this semester, the European Campus Rottal-In has decided that all lectures will be held virtually. Exceptions will be made for certain classes, such as some specific laboratory classes, which will follow strict hygiene and distance protocol.
Virtual lessons can be held both by MS Teams and Zoom. Please check with your lecturers for confirmation. 
As usual, lecture attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended, especially during this difficult time.


Attending the ECRI Campus is only possible with an appointment. Usage of FFP2 masks and maintaining two meters distance is mandatory, on both inside and outside campus grounds.

When visiting the campus, you must state at the entrance who are you going to visit and at what time is your appointment. Please disinfect your hands and check in by scanning the QR code on the walls and offices. 

Disinfect your hands again before entering to the office or classroom you are visiting, and don’t forget to check out of the App on your way out.


For Summer Semester 2021, ECRI LIBRARY will work with a “click and collect” service option: Students can reserve a book online and then book an appointment to pick it up at the ECRI or DEGGENDORF library centers. 

Appointments are booked through ilearn: 

In order to check books out of the library, students must have taken the obligatory introduction library course. This course must only be attended once during the duration of your studies, and you can book your place at the next online course at iLearn.


During this semester International Office will be offering weekly online consultations hours on Tuesdays at 14 until 15 hours, by Zoom. To assist, you just have to join the Zoom meeting with the link sent the week before at your student email account. 

This consultation hours are aimed to clear individual doubts regarding arrival at Pfarrkirchen, bureaucratic tasks and other topics which concern the international office. 

Questions are answered in a private session, so you might need to wait a bit before entering the online room.


Do you have a great business idea, but don’t know where to begin? 

Well, then we have great news for you: contact the THD Startup Campus team and awake your inner entrepreneur! 
THD Startup Campus is a mix team of university professors, personal and students that want to help students, employees and alumni develop their own companies and startup ideas. Some of their members were themselves entrepreneurs and founders of startup companies and can help you in every step you need: from organizing your idea, developing the business plan, to securing financing and the foundation of the company.
Since December last year, Startup Campus has been more present than ever at the ECRI Campus, and now there are three brand new ECRI Entrepreneurs among us! 
Startup Campus has also appointed a new International entrepreneurship manager: Tanya Marin-Weigelt. 

You want to know more about them and their activities? Then contact them at

Ayelen Toscano Juanes • 03/2021

Student IT Support

The Student IT Support is available every Tuesday and Wednesday from 1pm to 2pm live on MS Teams. If you have any queries/issues, you may type them in the "Chat " using MS Teams. We will definitely get back to you. If the above options do not answer your concerns, send an email to OR sumbit a form at

Student IT Support Poster

Miriam Bleck • 03/2021

International Office

International Office • ECRI Orientation Day

Via the iLearn course, all students are informed about the currently valid entry regulations and quarantine guidelines.
In addition, the International Office provides comprehensive information about all steps necessary to start the semester at our university and in Pfarrkirchen and provides information about living and studying in Germany/Pfarrkirchen. The course is constantly updated and expanded.
Follow the Link

IO • 03/2021