Databases - Formalisation and SQL Queries

Website: iLearn - Lernmanagementsystem der Hochschule Deggendorf
Kurs: Schnupperkurs - Studiengang Health Informatics
Buch: Databases - Formalisation and SQL Queries
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Datum: Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 11:47

Learning Objectives

After completing the chapter, students have achieved the following learning objectives:

  • Creation of tables based on an ER model.
  • Implementing simple SQL queries in a relational database.
  • Using groupings in SQL.
  • Applying nested SQL queries to output information from more complex database structures.

Table of Content

5.1 Formalisation of Tables in SQL

5.3 Grouping in SQL

Before starting with that chapter we have to expand our tables: 

Example Tables

Grouping in one Table

In a first example we follow the question about the number of animals per genus.

When we try to solve this problem with our current knowledge we have to determine first, which genuses are available in zoo. Afterwards we have to check for all genuses how many animals exist. As you see this is a lot of handwork and not satisfactory.

We want to get a result with one query and therefore we use GROUP BY.

The idea is to specify that calculations are performed per attribute to be specified.

SELECT Animal.Genus, COUNT(*) Animalnumber
FROM Animal
GROUP BY Animal.Genus

with the result of

Genus Animal number
Bear 2
Rabbit 4
Sheep 3

To evaluate the request, you can imagine the following steps: First, the table is sorted according to the grouping attribute. This clearly corresponds to the result of the enquiry.

FROM Animal
ORDER BY Animal.Genus

with the result of 

GNr TName Genus Group
1 Laber Bear Bear-Group
1 Sabber Bear
2 Klopfer Rabbit Rabbit-Group
3 Bunny Rabbit
2 Runny Rabbit
2 Hunny Rabbit
2 Harald Sheep Sheep-Group
3 Walter Sheep
3 Dörthe Sheep

In the following step, the grouping takes place, as indicated in the result. The known aggregate functions can then be used for each of these groups.


Another example is the request for the number of hares per enclosure number. First, you create a query in which all the hares are entered. In this case, they are also sorted according to the appropriate grouping attribute.

FROM Animal
WHERE Animal.Genus='Rabbit'

Check the result on your own.

Now this request is embedded into a GROUP BY request without the SELECT and ORDER BY lines. The grouping attribute and the required aggregate function are entered in the resulting SELECT line.

SELECT Animal.GNr, COUNT(*) Rabbitnumber
FROM Animal
WHERE Animal.Genus='Rabbit'

The result of the query is:

GNr Rabbitnumber
2 3
3 1

Groups for which no elements exist do not appear.
Only attributes that are also in the GROUP BY line may appear in the SELECT line.


A final example is a query for the number of each genus per compound number. Therefore, we need two attributes in the GROUP BY line. 

The resulting query is

SELECT Animal.GNr, Animal.Genus, COUNT(*) Animalnumber
FROM Animal
GROUP BY Animal.GNr, Animal.Genus


Finally, it is also possible to group the NULL values. Try it!


Usage of HAVING

HAVING adds another form of the WHERE condition to the GROUP BY line.

However, only attributes that are also mentioned in the GROUP BY line can exist in HAVING. In addition, the HAVING line may also contain aggregate functions that refer to the respective evaluation of the group.

We want to output the compound number in which at least three animals live. 

FROM Animal

The result is 2 and 3.

During the evaluation, the grouping presented in the previous chapter is carried out first and then all groups are selected for the result preparation, which then also fulfill the HAVING condition.

The aggregate functions used in the HAVINNG condition and the SELECT line do not have to match. Furthermore, attributes of GROUP BY Zeiel do not have to be used for output in the SELECT line.


In a next example we have a request for the number of animals per genus together with the genus, whereby the number of animals must not exceed 3 and no sheeps should be considered.

SELECT Animal.Genus, COUNT(*) Animalnumber
FROM Animal
WHERE Animal.Genus<>'Sheep'
GROUP BY Animal.Genus

The result is Genus Bear and Animalnumber 3.


In the last example we are looking for a query for Compounds, in which at least three different genus live.

FROM Animal

with no result.


Grouping over several Tables

Let's start with an example:

Request for the area consumed by the animal in each compound

Step 1: Request containing all information.

SELECT Compound.Gname, Animal.Genus, Species .MinArea
FROM Compound, Animal, Species
WHERE Compound.GNr=Animal.GNr
     AND Animal.Genus=Species .Genus
ORDER BY Compound.Gname


Step 2: Transfer sort criterion to GROUP BY and perform the necessary calculation in SELECT

SELECT Compound.Gname, SUM(Species.MinArea) Needed
FROM Compound, Animal, Species
WHERE Compound.GNr=Animal.GNr
     AND Animal.Genus=Species .Genus
GROUP BY Compound.Gname
ORDER BY Compound.Gname

Check the result on your own.


In the SELECT line, HAVING condition and ORDER BY line, only attributes that also occur in the GROUP BY line may be named.


In a second example we have a request for the land use of a genus, whereby at least three animals of a genus must live in the zoo.

SELECT Animal.Genus, SUM(Species.MinArea) Needed
FROM Animal, Species
WHERE Animal.Genus=Species.Genus
GROUP BY Animal.Genus
ORDER BY SUM(Species.MinArea)

with the result

Genus Needed
Rabbit 8
Sheep 15

SQL Query Creation Guide


Key Word




Attribute, Aggregate functions



List of tables whose cross product is considered



Conditions for selecting lines of the cross product



List of attributes according to which grouping takes place



Boolean condition with attributes from the GROUP BY line or aggregate functions for selecting groups



Attributes or aggregation functions for GROUP BY for sorting sequence during output