Matrix exercises Exercise 1 Create three vectors x,y,z with integers and each vector has 3 elements. Combine the three vectors to become a 3×3 matrix A where each column represents a vector. Change the row names to a,b,c. Think: How about each row represents a vector, can you modify your code to implement it? Exercise 2 Please check your result from Exercise 1, using is.matrix(A). It should return TRUE, if your answer is correct. Otherwise, please correct your answer. Hint: Note that is.matrix() will return FALSE on a non-matrix type of input. Eg: a vector and so on. Exercise 3 Create a vector with 12 integers. Convert the vector to a 4*3 matrix B using matrix(). Please change the column names to x, y, z and row names to a, b, c, d. Exercise 4 Please obtain the transpose matrix of B named tB . Exercise 5 Now tB is a 3×4 matrix. By the rule of matrix multiplication in algebra, can we perform tB*tB in R language? (Is a 3×4 matrix multiplied by a 3×4 allowed?) What result would we get? Exercise 6 As we can see from Exercise 5, we were expecting that tB*tB would not be allowed because it disobeys the algebra rules. But it actually went through the computation in R. However, as we check the output result , we notice the multiplication with a single * operator is performing the componentwise multiplication. It is not the conventional matrix multiplication. How to perform the conventional matrix multiplication in R? Can you compute matrix A multiplies tB ? Exercise 7 If we convert A to a data.frame type instead of a matrix , can we still compute a conventional matrix multiplication for matrix A multiplies matrix A ? Is there any way we could still perform the matrix multiplication for two data.frame type variables? (Assuming proper dimension) Exercise 8 Extract a sub-matrix from B named subB . It should be a 3×3 matrix which includes the last three rows of matrix B and their corresponding columns. Exercise 9 Compute 3*A , A+subB , A-subB . Can we compute A+B? Why? Exercise 10 Generate a n * n matrix (square matrix) A1 with proper number of random numbers, then generate another n * m matrix A2. If we have A1*M=A2 (Here * represents the conventional multiplication), please solve for M.