Evidence-Based Health Care

Site: iLearn - Lernmanagementsystem der Hochschule Deggendorf
Course: vhb Demo: English Competence and Research Training for Health Professionals_Alt
Book: Evidence-Based Health Care
Printed by: Gast
Date: Saturday, 27 July 2024, 8:30 PM



Research Training

In this chapter, you will look at key concepts and terminology required for Evidence-based Health Care (EBHC). The glossary serves as a general overview of certain terms that will be present in the course's research articles. The exercises help you to repeat the important terms. 

Glossary - Research Basics and Terminology

 Glossary - Research Basics and Terminology

This chapter's glossary repeats common terminology used in research articles. It helps you to understand the articles which are included in the following chapters. 

First, please look over the terminology. All terms can be part of the final exam and should be understood. If you have any questions regarding a term, please contact your tutor through the tutorials or post your question in the forum.

If you are looking for further research terminology, the glossary of The Cochrane Collaboration can be a useful resource. Please find it here



Contents      Video

Video - PICO: Explanation and Example

 PICO: Explanation and Example

The video in this link comes from the Institute of the MGH Institute of Health Professionals (MGIHP). It explains how to create a clinical or research question which can be answered using the PICO(T)-scheme. In order to do this, the video shows the parts of a question based on the PICO(T)-scheme and gives you an example of how to narrow down word choice in order to research relevant literature in databases (e. g. CINAHL). 

For further information on how to use different databases (e. g. PubMed, Medline) or the difference between citation types (e. g. APA, Oxford), please click here



Glossary      Exercises


Exercise 1: Epidemiology - Matching (Exercises are not available in demoversion)

 Exercise 2: Levels of Evidence - Matching (Exercises are not available in demoversion)

Exercise 3: True/ False (Exercises are not available in demoversion)

 Exercise 4: Creating a PICO-question (Exercises are not available in demoversion)



Video      Conclusion


Evidence-Based Health Care (EBHC) has become extremely important in terms of patient care. Each patient should be treated individually while using the best evidence and research information available. It is extremely important to know how to actively and efficiently search for articles that apply directly to your patient.

This chapter repeated basic research terminology commonly used in EBHC. You are now prepared for the following chapters that present you with different research and health topics. 



Exercises      Course