How does WiFi achieve so high data rates? How does WiFi work? What is the impact of distance of a user to the WiFi access point on achievable performance? How can we transmit webpages over 4G????

Cellular/Wireless Networks are important for our society, we use them in our daily life. Are you interested in learning how they function, operate, and work? What is behind them? What defines their performance? Then this course is a good choice for you lächelnd

The course treats the principles of mobile and wireless, including the function and operation of modern mobile and wireless communication systems and networks related to architecture, security, protocol, and algorithms. Current wireless systems, such as cellular systems (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) and mobile Internet, including the WLAN standard IEEE 802.11, are used as examples to explain these principles. The course includes components and exercises that treat these topics in-depth.
The course covers the following:
- Radio signals
- Coding, modulation, and multiplexing
- Medium access
- The basic principles of cellular systems (e.g. 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) and wireless networks including WLAN (e.g. WiFi) and WPAN (e.g. Bluetooth)

Sprache Vorlesung / Language lecture: Englisch / English
Sprache Unterlagen / Language material: Englisch / English
Where: Room Deggs 1.03 (Präsenzvorlesung / attendance lecture)
When: Wednesdays, from 08:00 Uhr bis 11:15 Uhr (1. and 2. Block)
Start: 04.10.2023

Einschreibeschluessel/key. FWP-AI-WS23

More information: The course can be used at Bachelor level (e.g Bachelor of Applied Informatics, Bachelor of Machine Learning, Bachelor of Internet of Things, CyberSecurity and Bachelor Elektromobilität, autonomes Fahren und mobile Robotik). It can also be used at Master level (e.g. Master of Applied Computer Science, Master of Machine Learning,... Master of Electrical Engineering). In case it is used at Master Level, Students must complete an additional Seminar part, where they will present a research paper of their choice that is related to the course content and lead a discussion about it. For the seminar part at Master level, students can focus on e.g. security issues in mobile and wireless networks or how to use machine learning techniques to optimize mobile and wireless networks at different layers.