by Marquardt Anna -
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Today's Day
Today, on the world bicycle day, we share our information about the bicycle tracks in and around Pfarrkirchen, holiday trips by bike, current campaigns and tips for maintenance with you.
By the way, this semester, almost 50 students' bikes have already been repaired at the BikeStation in cooperation with the student association RESP e.V.!

Today's Question
Today's Question goes to Jenny Huber, research assistant in the Sustainability Lab.
How did you actually get to the campus?
I live in Pfarrkirchen and cycle to campus whenever possible. On average, I have cycled to campus 3 days a week for the last 4 years. So I have cycled a total of 6,200 km to campus and saved over 1,000 kg of CO2 compared to driving a car. To be able to do my shopping and other short trips without a car, I now also use an e-bike!
My must-haves for cycling are all the safety-related aspects, such as a cycle helmet, lights, reflectors, good brakes and a lock, in order to be safe on the road.

Your ECRI NEWS team.

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