Hardware & Software questions



Would you please tell me difference between:

1. Registers, Cache Memory, and RAM?

2. WiFi and WLAN?

3. ssh and zsh? E.g. when I open my terminal to try these commands: lscpu, lsmem, lsusb, and lstopo, it doesn't work. I will share a screenshot to know what I made wrong.

Many thanks,


1 Answer


To answer your first question, (as far as I understand it): 

- Cache is a type of memory that only stores the frequently used information. A useful way for me to think about it, is that when I clear cache in my web browser, things speed up a bit. 

- As memory goes, RAM is bigger but slower. It's the main memory, so sometimes it's easier to rely on cache to do a job quickly, than to get the RAM involved. 
(can someone fact check this please? This is how I understand it, but I'm not 100% sure) 

- Register is a very small type of memory which is built directly into the processor - so this type of memory is dedicated to fulfilling the needs of the processor, not the system as a whole. 


As discussed during the lecture, mostly true. The CPU instructions run directly on the registers. Cache memory serves the registers and CPU, RAM serves the caches.

For the rest please refer to the lecture on 05.10.2020