Course supervision and info
Welcome to this course!
We are glad you have chosen this course. Please do not hesitate to start immediately.
This semester you can work on either of the following two course combinations.
1. C++/Part 1
It is suitable for novice programmers.
One successful submission task is required to be admitted to the written exam
(3 ECTS, 2 SWS = 2 lessons per week)
2. C++/Part 1&2
The first part of this course is suitable for novice programmers.
The second part of this course is suitable for advanced programmers.
Two successful submission tasks (part 1 and part 2) are required to be admitted to the written exam
(6 ECTS, 4 SWS = 4 lessons per week)
To find out which part of the course you should take, you can use the learning plan to get a recommendation.
The dates in the schedule of this course are binding!
Practice as much as you can to prepare for the individual submission tasks (ESA).
In addition to the mandatory tasks, we offer you exercises and larger-scale programming tasks (with mutual evaluation).
Participation is recommended.
Any questions?
Please visit our forum (part 1 or part 2).
Or contact your course supervisor directly.
We wish you great joy and success in programming.
Your primary contact Prof. Dr. Peter Faber is Professor for computer science at Technische Hochschule Deggendorf (THD/DIT). His main topics:
Contact: | |
Rudi Buss is an e-tutor (C++/Parts 1+2). His main topics:
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