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(Last edited: Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 8:55 AM)
  • Value that a certain percentage of data falls below
  • Example: 

50th percentile= 50% of all values in a distribution fall below this score



(Last edited: Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 8:55 AM)


P=       Population

I=        Intervention (or diagnosis, prognosis) being evaluated

C=       Comparison (usually to gold standard or no treatment)

O=       Outcome


Is physical activity at least twice a week for more than ten minutes as effective as the antihypertensive X in preventing high blood pressure in adults over 18 years?

P=       adults over 18 years

I=        physical activity at least twice a week for more than ten minutes

C=       antihypertensive X

O=       prevention of high blood pressure


(Last edited: Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 8:55 AM)
  • Proportion of a population having a particular condition at a specific point of time
  • Used to look at burden of disease in a population
  • Example: percentage of men over 40 with lung cancer today in Bavaria


(Last edited: Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 8:55 AM)
  • Probability that the statistical results occurred by chance
  • When p-values is smaller than the stated level of significance (α-value), H0 is rejected