Group Group description Count Members
Aadesh Baskar
Towards containerized HPC 0/1 Member list not available
Amal Tomy Thesis
Simulation and Validation of Trailer Data in the Schmitz Cargobull AG Telematic Portal 0/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
Containerizing HPC software stack 0/1 Member list not available
Fabian Bally
Evaluation of algorithms and methods for energy analysis of software 0/1 Member list not available
Fabian Müller
Art-Intelligence / FakeArt - HPC 2/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
1/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
Huseyn Gurbanov
Design and Implementation of a Framework for Container-Based Workloads on High-Performance Computing Systems using Kubernetes 0/1 Member list not available
Java Android NDK
0/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
Lausser Tobias
Bachelorthesis // MyToyC2 w/ Flex,Bison&LLVM 0/1 Member list not available
Lukas Lengler
0/1 Member list not available
Nadeesh Fernando
Influence of Machine Learning in Compiler Optimization 1/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
Nilesh Nomula Master Thesis
Creation and implementation of an operating concept for a converter measuring station 0/1 Member list not available
Shreena Gabani
Advanced Machine Learning for Semiconductor Component Verification: A Human-Centered UX/UI Design Approach 1/1 Member list not available
0/1 Member list not available
Vipin Thomas
Image processing techniques for defect detection and classification of inspect images in the semiconductor industry 0/1 Member list not available